simp_assuming (was Re: mydefint2)

The code looks good... but I'd think it would be handy to have a
with_assumptions macro encapsulating this functionality.  The only slightly
tricky/annoying thing here is that you'll need gensyms for the context
names (since they have to be unique) and supcontext takes a quoted
argument.  Have I mentioned that I find autoquoting to be really annoying?


On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 06:46, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> The easiest way to fix simp_assuming is to eliminate it. I've tested
> replacing calls to simp_assuming with things such as:
>  supcontext(cntx),
>  e : unwind_protect((assume(lo <= x, x <= hi),expand(e,0,0)),
> killcontext(cntx)),
> Likely, I'll expunge simp_assuming from abs_integrate (in share/contrib).
> One more thing: ?? subcontext  gives
>  -- Function: supcontext (<name>)
>     Creates a new context, called <name>, which has <context> as a
>     subcontext.  <context> must exist.
>     If <context> is not specified, the current context is assumed.
> But the user documentation is:
> Function: supcontext (name, context)
> Function: supcontext (name)
> Creates a new context, called name, which has context as a subcontext.
> context must exist.
> If context is not specified, the current context is assumed.
> The ?? supcontext documentation is missing "Function: supcontext (name,
> context)"
> --Barton
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