still having plotting problem

On 03/16/2012 02:07 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 3/15/12, joaquin borges<ultradenso at>  wrote:
>> I  installed gnuplot form cvs (4.7) and still have the same problem as
>> before.
>>   From rmaxima and wxmaxima:
>> plot2d(sec(x)*cos(x),[x,-1,1]) takes all cpu .
>> Running maxima on ubuntu 10.10 (64) with cmucl .
> Hmm. In Maxima, what is the value of the variable gnuplot_command ?
> In the command shell from which you launch Maxima,
> what does
> which gnuplot
> report?
> What I'm trying to figure out is, are you sure that you're executing
> the new version of Gnuplot? If you are not executing the new
> Gnuplot, run
> make install
> in the Gnuplot build directory if you have sufficient privilege,
> or assign gnuplot_command : "/home/your/path/to/gnuplot" .
gnuplot 4.7 cvs is the only one on my system,
installed with "make install"
when I run gnuplot in the shell  I get the version number 4.7 cvs.
> Maxima creates an output file which is just a list of numbers
> and then executes Gnuplot to draw the plot.
> The output file is /home/you/maxout.gnuplot_pipes if I'm not
> mistaken. In Gnuplot, what do you get from:
> plot "/home/you/maxout.gnuplot_pipes"
same problem as running from maxima
> For the record, I'm working on Ubuntu 8.04 (x86) + cmucl 19a.
> best
> Robert Dodier
> PS. what is the content of your maxout.gnuplot_pipes file?

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