On 3/18/12, Tamas Papp <tkpapp at gmail.com> wrote:
> (%i1) a=b+c;
> (%o1) a = c + b
> Is it possible to preserve the original order in the underlying
> S-expression, so that when I need a LaTeX fragment I get the original
> order? Also, is it possible to influence/change ordering of results?
Well, powerdisp:true reverses the default order for terms in a "+" expression.
As far as I know, there is no way to preserve the order in which they
were entered. Well, sort of. simp:false disables reordering terms,
and lots of other things, so it's probably not too useful.
> 2. If I have a variable that I want to show up as \lambda_e in LaTeX
> (and rendered as such in imaxima), what should I name it? lambda[e]
> does not work when I am solving equations.
I don't see the problem -- solve seems to work OK w/ lambda[e],
e.g. solve(lambda[e]^2 - lambda[e] = 4, lambda[e])
=> [lambda[e] = -(17^(1/2)-1)/2,lambda[e] = (17^(1/2)+1)/2]
Can you be more specific about the sense in which lambda[e]
doesn't work with solve?
> Also, how can I get a
> variable named W^* or W^+ (ie as a single variable name)?
Couple of ideas -- (1) just write W^"*" and W^"+"
(2) let your variables be W\* and W\+ and define their TeX properties
via texput(W\*, "W^{*}"); texput(W\+, "W^{+}");
Robert Dodier