On 3/19/12, Tamas Papp <tkpapp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe I stumbled into this accidentally, but I am a bit surprised that
> it is so easy to get Maxima into a situation where "memory may be
> damaged". I don't know much about Maxima's internals, but since it is
> built on CL, normally I would just expect a some condition with
> restarts as the worst case. Are these fatal errors a GCL thing?
> Would it help if I ran Maxima on top of, say, SBCL?
Yeah, that's a GCL idiosyncrasy. I'd say CMUCL or SBCL are less so.
:lisp (setq *debugger-hook* nil)
drops the user into a debugging session when an error is encountered.
Maybe that's helpful.
Robert Dodier