Hello everyone,
a while back I asked about writing rules for derivatives of matrices. There
were many, many rules. But by replacing some fundamental identities (dX/dX
--> 4th dimensional object), I think I have found a general approach which
appears to rederive about 80% of all the rules. The draw back is I need to
be able to replace some fundamental identities in Maxima's default calculus
package. If I can just rewrite the fundamental rules, then the rest of
calculus applies as normal. I know this is possible since the itensor
package does something similar.
Way too many details below, but it should help clarify what I mean by
replacing Maxima's default fundamental identities:
TASK 1: replacing fundamental identities. I was wondering how to make the
following rules, using as much of Maxima's underlying functionality as
(a) diff( X, X[i][j] ), where X is a general matrix --> J[i][j], the single
entry matrix
I may prefer the notation X[i,j], but notation is just a side note.
(b) diff( X, X[i][j] ), where X is a structured matrix --> Struct[i][j]
(c) diff( X, X[i][j] ), where X is a symmetric matrix --> Sym[i][j]
expand( Sym[i][j] ) --> delta(i,j) * J[i][i] + (1-delta(i,j) ) * ( J[i][j]
+ J[j][i] )
(d) diff( f(U(X)), X[i][j] ), where X is a matrix --> trace( transpose(
diff( f(U), U ) ) . diff(U, X[i][j] ) )
(e) diff( g(X) . f(X) , X[i][j] ), where X is a matrix --> diff( g(X),
X[i][j] ) . f(X) + g(X) . diff( f(X), X[i][j] )
For instance, (a) and (e) ought to be able to process:
diff( X^3, X[i][j] ) --> diff( X.(X.X), X[i][j] ) --> J[i][j] . (X . X) + X
. diff( X . X, X[i][j]) --> J[i][j] . X . X + X . J[i][j] . X + X . X
. J[i][j]
(f) diff( v, v[i] ), where v is a general vector --> e[i]
(g) diff( transpose(f(X)), X[i][j] ) --> transpose( diff( f(X), X[i][j] ) )
(h) diff( exp( X . t ), t), where X is a matrix, t is scalar --> X . exp(X
. t) == exp(X . t) . X
The output matrices commute, and Maxima knows this!
(i) diff( trace( X ), X[i][j] ) --> I[i][j]
Which reduces to the identity matrix when indices are removed
(j) diff( trace( F(X) ), X ), where X is a general matrix --> transpose(
f(X) )
Where f(.) is the scalar derivative of F(.).
And several other fundamental rules like these. I wish to include Hadamard
and Kronecker products as well. I would appreciate help with extensions of
these rules for symmetric, hermitian, diagonal, toeplitz, etc.
TASK2: Attempting to remove indices
(2a) diff( transpose( v ) . X . v, v ) --> contractIndices( diff(
transpose( v ) . X . v, v[i] ), [i] ) -->
contractIndices( transpose(e[i]) . X . v + transpose( v ) . X . e[i], i )
(X + transpose(X)) . v
(2b) diff( trace(X . X), X ) --> contractIndices( diff( trace(X . X),
X[i][j] ), [i,j] ) --> we use the scalar derivative
contractIndices( transpose( 1 * X[i][j] + X[i][j] * 1 ), [i,j] ) -->
2 transpose( X )
I don't know a good general procedure for index removal, but I would
appreciate anyone willing to help with the contract indices method.
Thanks in advance for any help/pointers.