an empty list with 76 elements

Dear Sara,

In my understanding there is only one "empty list", which is [], the list with no elements. 

If you mean a list with 76 elements, each of which are "blank", you could use something like


null isn't anything special in Maxima. It is just a variable name to which (I guess) you have assigned nothing yet.

Using something like null, rather than 0, enables you to later tell the difference between a blank element and another which has been actually set to "0" (it is one of your examples below).

Anyway, I hope this makes sense. 


-----Original Message-----
From: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sara Pashmin
Sent: 29 March 2012 13:32
To: maxima at
Subject: an empty list with 76 elements


I made a list like A with elements from 0 until 7.5:

A : makelist(i*0.1, i, 0, 75);

equal to this list I need as well an empty list with the same size.

I would like to know please how to make a "empty" list with for
example 76 elements?

Thanks and best regards

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