-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
> Rg:(N/kf)^(1/df);
> Rm:0.512*(1-1/log(2*N))*Rg+0.72*N^0.413;
> Req:N^(1/3);
> phi:N/Rgeo^3;
> Rm/Rgeo: a*Rg/Rgeo+b;
> myeq: Rm/Rgeo = c*Rg/Rgeo+d;
> solve(myeq, Rgeo);
The assignment Rm / Rgeo : a*Rg/Rgeo+b does something, but maybe it doesn't do what you think it does.
To read the user documentation for assignment, enter ? :.
Just guessing, maybe you want:
myeq: Rm/Rgeo = c*Rg/Rgeo+d,
solve(myeq, Rgeo));
And this works OK, I think. Let us know if this doesn't resolve your question.