how to make maxima-mode start imaxima

Tamas Papp <tkpapp at> writes:

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 14:06:01 +0000, Leo Butler wrote:
>> No worries. Try this:
>> (defadvice maxima-send-region (before maxima-start-imaxima first)
>>   "Ensures that imaxima is running and the correct flag is set." (setq
>>   imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t) (unless (get-buffer
>>   maxima-buffer-name)
>>     (with-temp-buffer (imaxima))))
>> (ad-activate 'maxima-send-region)
> It works with the following modification:
> (defadvice maxima-send-region (before maxima-start-imaxima first)
>   "Ensures that imaxima is running and the correct flag is set."
>   (setq imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t)
>   (unless (get-buffer "*maxima*")
>     (with-temp-buffer (imaxima))))
> (ad-activate 'maxima-send-region)
> The variable maxima-buffer-name is not defined in the version I am
> using.

Ahh, sorry, that is a personal customisation.

> Is there a way to show the (i)maxima window automatically when it
> starts?

You can add the following after advice:

(defadvice maxima-send-region (after show-maxima-buffer last)
  "Show the *maxima* buffer after sending input."
  (ignore-errors (set-window-buffer 1 "*maxima*")))

In my configuration, this will split the window to show the *maxima*
buffer, but the active buffer remains the source buffer.

Leo Butler                <l_butler at>
SDF Public Access UNIX System -