It appears that ABCL is a Common Lisp implementation that runs on the JVM,
and therefore on Google App Engine. Previous posts have said that Maxima
runs on ABCL, so it should be possible to run Maxima on App Engine.
The post you point to is about Google's Research Awards program for App
Engine applications. I suspect that they wouldn't consider a simple port
of Maxima to App Engine to be an "innovative research idea" (though it
could be a useful SaaS implementation of Maxima for some users), but I'm
not sure what you have in mind.
PS I am an employee of Google, but I have nothing to do with the App Engine
group and in any case the above opinions are my own, not Google's.
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 18:24, Richard Fateman <fateman at>wrote:
> see
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