maxima analysis of a 'wav' data file

I am not familar with *.wav files:  is it a text file,
and how is the data coded, etc?

Also why don't you send me the example you are
working with so I can take a look at it.

The mfiles.mac software is written in maxima code
rather than lisp. If the software were written in lisp
instead, I have been told by Richard Fateman that
things would run about 10 times faster.

I haven't tried translating into lisp
 (and perhaps compiling) the file mfiles.mac:
 perhaps this would speed up the process
 of reading the file.

Alternatively, a special purpose read function
which applies only to the structure and design
of the data in a *.wav file might be a better

Combining such a function with my fourier
transform software might lead to a usable
approach to [y, fs, bits] = wavread ("file.wav").


----- Original Message ----- 
From: bernardo gomez
To: Edwin Woollett
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: maxima

Thanks Ted! For your quick answer!
In Matlab, there is a function, "wavread" which returns the sampling
frequency, intensity and number of bits of "file.wav".
[y, fs, bits] = wavread ('file.wav');
I tried with the functions that are chapter 2 but I can not read it.
On the other hand, I converted to a vector file.dat file.wav micro
external program made ??in c., But a recorded sound of a few seconds
it takes a long time to read through maxima with the function
My goal is to obtain the Fourier Transform to files.wav.
Thanks for your help again.

2012/4/9 Edwin Woollett <woollett at>:
> Hi Bernardo,
> Checkout Ch. 2, Maxima by Example,
> Plots, Files, Read, Write, and Fit,
> mbe2plotfit.pdf,
> Section 2.2:
> Working with Files using the Package
> mfiles.mac.
> This package includes some basic
> stuff, could clearly be extended in
> numerous directions.
> I am working now on a maxima
> version of nintegrate to supplement
> a revised version of Ch. 8.
> Best,
> Ted
> =====================
> ----- Original Message ----- From: bernardo gomez
> To: woollett at
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 7:32 AM
> Subject: maxima
> Dear Edwin
> Thanks for your page, it is helpful to others!
> I am interested in being able to read and process files ".wav"
> As I can read with maxima?
> Function that I can read and get information from the file.
> Thanks !
> bernardo
> --
> Instituto de F?sica Rosario
> Grupo de F?sica de Plasmas
> 27 de Febrero 210 bis
> (S2000EZP) Rosario


Instituto de F?sica Rosario
Grupo de F?sica de Plasmas
27 de Febrero 210 bis
(S2000EZP) Rosario