maxima analysis of a 'wav' data file


Glad you are experimenting with Mario's package. We
should encourage him to update it to use the current
version of fft. That package might prove very useful
to maxima users.

You should feel free to translate all or any portion of my
chapters, adding any material which would be helpful.

Might inspire me to upgrade my own treatment of topics
and add additional applications.

Thanks for the wav file which I read in as a list
using read_binary_list (see contents: numericalio in
help manual). The rest command is used to look
at the first six elements of the list aL.
(%i1) display2d:false$
(%i2) aL:read_binary_list("c:/work2/la-440.wav")$
(%i3) time(%);
(%o3) [2.22]
(%i4) length(aL);
(%o4) 40016
(%i5) rest(aL,-40010);
----- Original Message ----- 
From: bernardo gomez
To: Edwin Woollett
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: maxima analysis of a 'wav' data file

Thanks ! Edwin
What we need is a function that has developed Mario.

dat  :  load_sound_wav ("la-mi.wav") $

gives us the following very useful information on the "file.wav":

"Number of channels.: 1"
"Samples per second.: 44100"
"Bits per sample....: 16"
"Number of samples..: 160044

In addition:

Anyway I have not managed to make the Fourier transform, but I'm very close.

I wanted to ask permission to translate into Spanish Chapter 11 adding 
featuresMario for my students to study.
 Thanks !!
