Maxima / wxMaxima behaviour

Dear all,

maybe, in response to the following two remarks I will be told that
"This is not a problem of Maxima but of wxMaxima".
If so, please let me know if a separate mailing list exist for wxMaxima.
However, since new users of Maxima tend not to draw a line between
Maxima and wxMaxima (they rather tend to see it as one system - which,
I think, is good for Maxima) I would appreciate if wxMaxima-questions
could be dealt with in this mailing list as well.

Remark 1:  When I start Maxima / wxMaxima and evaluate the term  100!
I get the output
It took me quite a while to find out about the  set_display(ascii)
command delivering the full output.
Many new users of Maxima, as I could, for instance, observe with my
students, are irritated by the above default display behaviour.  They
expect the full output.
Wouldn't it be possible to make "full output" the standard default
display behaviour after installation of Maxima/wxMaxima?
If so, I would opt for this as a default.

Remark 2:  After invoking the Maxima/wxMaxima help-window it does not
disappear when I click on the Maxima/wxMaxima worksheet again.  I have
to close the help-window explicitely or at least I have to drag it
aside in order to be able to see all of my Maxima/wxMaxima worksheet.
Wouldn't it be possible to change the behaviour of the help-window to
the effect that it goes one step to the background when I click on the

Thank you,
best regards,