
In some sense the original poster is asking for something that can't be 
effectively implemented.
At least as I read it, the question is, can Maxima handle this situation:

"I'm thinking of a number, either one or minus one. Call it e.  I'm going to
write an expression (trigonometric, but really e*x is not trig..)  
involving exactly one occurrence of e.
I want it simplified for either value of e,  but with the result 
expressed as a function
of e, in a nice form."

Well, look at this:   sin(3.0+e).  What are you going to do?  How about 0^e?

The original question is really such a special special case that it 
seems unlikely to
be a built-in "feature".  On the other hand, a computer algebra system 
has lots
of features and it is hard, especially for a new user, to gather what 
has been
implemented or not.  There are a fair number of peculiar functionalities 
are included not so much because they are useful, but because they could be

There is a reasonable approach if you are willing to reformulate the 
problem as
actions on pairs, as suggested.

instead of   sin(e*x), use   {sin(x), sin(-x)}.

If both elements are identical, convert to a single value. Otherwise, 
all operations are
mapped on to each of the two values. Doing this systematically might be 
possible by
some cleverness.


On 4/13/12 8:17 AM, Barton Willis wrote:
> The general simplifier for trigonometric functions has a method for deciding when to apply a reflection identity; for example
>    (%i1) sin(-x);
>    (%o1) -sin(x)
>    (%i2) cos(-x);
>    (%o2) cos(x)
>    (%i3) makelist(cos(x + (1-e) * %pi/2),e,[-1,0,1]);
>    (%o3) [-cos(x),-sin(x),cos(x)]
> Maxima uses an ordering predicate (defined on expressions, not just numbers)  to decide when to use the reflection identity:
>   (%i4) sin(b-x);
>   (%o4) -sin(x-b)
>   (%i5) sin(b-a);
>   (%o5) sin(b-a)
> The aim of the algorithm is to simplify as many expressions to zero as possible:
> (%i7) sin(b-x) + sin(x-b);
> (%o7) 0
> (%i8) sin(a-b) + sin(b-a);
> (%o8) 0
> Also, the function trigrat might be useful to you?  I didn't answer your question, but maybe some of this is useful.
> --bw
> ________________________________________
> From: maxima-bounces at [maxima-bounces at] on behalf of Jean Vittor [jean.vittor at]
> Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 06:39
> To: maxima at
> Subject: simplification
> Hi,
> I'm new to maxima and I have a hard time understanding how
> simplification works.
> My point is to use "sign" values (I mean integers which take their value
> from {-1;1}) and to be able to automate some trigo simplifications like
> (in the following, e is a sign and x a real expression):
>     - sin(e*x) ->  e*sin(x)
>     - cos(e*x) ->  cos(x)
>     - cos(x+(1-e)*%pi/2) ->  e*cos(x)
>     - ...
>     - and, of course, e^2 ->  1
> Is there a way to do this with maxima ?
> Thanks,
> Jean
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