mydefint2 does 2d integration using integrate twice.
Calls separate and mydefint1.
An attempt to define functions which result in minimal
questions about the variables of integration.
Of course, questions may be asked about unbound
parameters in the integrand.
Example of use:
(%i1) load(mydefint);
(%o1) "c:/work2/mydefint.mac"
(%i2) mydefint2(x*y,[x,0,1],[y,0,1]);
(%o2) 1/4
(%i3) mydefint2 (log(x+y),[x,0,1],[y,0,1]);
(%o3) (4*log(2)-3)/2
(%i4) mydefint2 (1/sqrt(x+y),[x,0,1],[y,0,1]);
(%o4) (2^(7/2)-8)/3
(%i5) mydefint2(sqrt(x^2 - 2*x*y + y^2),[x,-1,1],[y,-1,1]);
(%o5) 8/3
(%i6) mydefint2(sqrt(x^2 - 2*x*y + y^2),[x,-1,1],[y,-x,x]);
(%o6) 0
code file mydefint.mac:
/* mydefint.mac */
/* separate(aL,x) returns a list of two
lists, the first being the elements of aL
which contain x, the second being the elements
of aL which do not contain x */
separate(a11L,xx11) :=
for t11 in a11L do
if length(t11) < 2 then t22L : cons(t11,t22L)
else if (part(t11,1) = xx11 or part(t11,2) = xx11) then
t11L : cons(t11,t11L)
else t22L : cons(t11,t22L),
/**** mydefint1
calls separate.
forgets those global facts
which involve the integration variable.
before creating local facts.
After doing the integral the
the forgotten facts are re-assumed. *********/
mydefint1 (e78, x78, a78, b78) :=
block( [domain : complex,forgetL,ignoreL, res1, loc_assume,e781],
[forgetL,ignoreL] : separate(facts(),x78),
if debug then display (forgetL,ignoreL),
loc_assume : apply('assume, [x78 > min(a78,b78), x78 <
max(a78,b78)] ),
e781 : expand (e78,0,0),
res1 : ratsimp (integrate (e781, x78, a78, b78 ) ),
apply ('forget, loc_assume),
apply ('assume, forgetL),
/******** mydefint2
calls separate and mydefint1 ************/
mydefint2(qe,qxL,qyL) :=
qxmin : min(qxL[2],qxL[3]),
qxmax : max(qxL[2],qxL[3]),
if qxmin = qxL[3] then xsign:-1 else xsign:1,
[forget2L,ignore2L] : separate(facts(),qxL[1]),
/* case x doesn't change sign */
if (qxmin >= 0 or qxmax <= 0) then
(locx_assume : apply('assume, [qxL[1] > qxmin,
qxL[1] < qxmax] ),
qe79 : expand (qe,0,0),
res79 : apply('integrate,
res79 : xsign*ratsimp(res79),
apply ('forget, locx_assume))
else /* case x does change sign */
(locx_assume : apply('assume, [qxL[1] > qxmin,qxL[1] < 0] ),
qe79 : expand (qe,0,0),
res791 : apply('integrate,
locx_assume : apply('assume, [qxL[1] > 0,qxL[1] < qxmax] ),
qe79 : expand (qe,0,0),
res792 : apply('integrate,
res79 : xsign*ratsimp(res791 + res792),
apply ('assume, forget2L),