On 4/22/2012 7:54 AM, Claudio Botarelli wrote:
> Particularly interesting the tests:
> is(realpart(b)=realpart(c))
> is(limit(exp(%i*x),x,0.0,plus)=exp(%i*0.0))
> both should produce true rather than false.
> Any idea about?
Yes, This happens if you use "=" to compare numbers that are of
different types
is (0=0.0) is false.
I You can avoid it by not using floating point numbers (best
recommendation) or
by using is ( equal(0,0.0)) instead.
> Do I improperly/wrongly use Maxima?
> Is it a Maxima's bug?
No opinion. Floating point numbers should be used primarily as a last
step in
reducing a calculation to an approximate number for (say) plotting.
> Thanks in advance for your support.
> Kind Regards
> Claudio
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