Official release date for 5.27.0

On 2012-04-20, Alexander Hansen <alexanderk.hansen at> wrote:

> I was wondering whether it's permissible to make a public release of
> Maxima-5.27.0 in Fink.

Yes, please do. For the record, I've been numbering releases so that
if corrections need to be made to 5.27.0, the corrections are found
in 5.27.1, 5.27.2, etc. I don't plan to make any subminor releases
for 5.27 at this point (although I will if the need arises).

In general, I would like to encourage others to make any packages for
any purpose at any time, as it suits them. I think the project has
more to gain from people working on stuff as they see fit -- trying to
coordinate all efforts would result in less work getting done.

FWIW & all the best,

Robert Dodier