
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Dan <vi5u0-maxima at> wrote:

>> I just stumbled across the asympa.mac package.  Looks interesting -
>> but does there exist any documentation, please?

On Fri, 27 Apr 2012, Raymond Toy wrote:

> Don't know of any, but there is the message
> that
> shows some info.

Thanks Raymond.  That message showcases the ability of asympa.mac to
obtain asymptotic expansions of ratsimped or radcanned algebraic
expressions, by (iteratively) picking the largest-order atom in the
numerator and the largest-order atom in the denominator.

But what I had in mind was more in the way of obtaining asymptotic
expansions for integrals, or for solutions to differential equations.
For example, I tried

load ("asympa") ;
put(x,'inf,'limit) ;
asympseries(integrate(exp(-x*t)/(1-t),t,0,inf),1) ;
pos ;

I was hoping for the answer asymp(1/x), but instead got a noun form.
This might mean that asympa.mac doesn't know about Watson's lemma, or
it might just mean that I'm querying it wrongly.  I was hoping for
some documentation that would tell me which - then, similarly, for
documentation on whether asympa.mac knows about, e.g., Laplace's
method, the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, the method of stationary phase,
the method of steepest descents, and/or the Liouville-Green method.


Thanks again,
