julia language

It is possible to convert femtolisp into attolisp by removing cond, and, or, for, prog1, without loss of generality or execution speed.  Actually, "microscheme" would be a slightly more appropriate name.  I do like the fundamental integration of C/C++ libraries, tho.


Builtin special forms

(quote val) 
(cond (cond1 do1 do2 ...) (cond2 do1 do2 ...) ...) 
(if cond then else) 
(and ...) 
(or ...) 
(while cond . bodies) 
(lambda args . bodies) args is a list or dotted list. 
(begin ...) 
(set! sym expr) set lexically-bound variable (sym is not evaluated) 
(trycatch body func) if an exception occurs evaluating body, func is invoked with the exception as its argument 
(for lo hi (lambda (n) body)) fast bounded iteration. the supplied function is invoked successively for n from lo to hi, inclusive. 
(prog1 expr1 expr2) evaluate expr1 and expr2 in order, then return the result of expr1 

At 06:53 AM 4/29/2012, Barton Willis wrote:
>> Julia is not femlisp, and femlisp seems to be just a hobby project.
>femlisp  (http://www.femlisp.org/ ) or femtolisp ( http://code.google.com/p/femtolisp/) ? I'm guessing femtolisp (see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia#readme )