ishi soichi <soichi777 at> writes:
> [1:multipart/alternative Hide]
> [1/1:text/plain Hide]
> Maxima 5.15
> I am using imaxima so that Maxima runs on Emacs.
> I have a simple question (which must be tedious for many of you).
> How can I copy outputs to clipboard?
> Since the outputs are generated as LaTex image, the equation and numbers
> appear in the buffer are images rather than strings.
I don't know if this exactly answers your question, but you can change
between text and image output in the imaxima buffer with
display2d:true $ /* change to 2d text output */
display2d:imaxima $ /* image output */
Since Maxima keeps its output in the variables %o1, etc, you can toggle
between the two display modes and (re)print output as text as need be.
It would be pretty easy to write a convenience function in emacs lisp to
do this, and bind it to a key combination.