maxima speed is important and an appeal to developers

In some tests sbcl speed is equal or better than Julia, and computation speed is? a big appeal for developers, for example Cython and panda developers consider important the speed of the code. Below some posts and code. 

--- El s?b, 5/5/12, Manuel Pedrinero rossetil <pdx7l1 at> escribi?:

De: Manuel Pedrinero rossetil <pdx7l1 at>
Asunto: Re: Maxima Lapack is very slow: 7 seconds versus 0.002 seconds in Julia.
Para: "Raymond Toy" <toy.raymond at>
Fecha: s?bado, 5 de mayo, 2012 23:47

?Maxima can also be used numerically.? For example in some benchmarks sbcl speed is equal or better than Julia:


1.- sbcl? has better speed than julia? at lisp processing:?!topic/julia-dev/Fo91y_mSZVI

2.- Speed is important, for example Cython people trying to join with Julia.? Cython existence is because its speed, since pure python is not enough.!topic/julia-dev/YftOOEfcwrk? 

3.- Developers of libraries,? (like panda =? similar to dataframes in R ported to python)
should jump into another language if it gives them enough speed.


below code for the test in sbcl. Time is about 0.037 seconds, similar to? julia

code:? (defvar a1) (defvar a2) (defvar a3)

(setq a1 (make-array (expt 10 7) :element-type 'double-float :adjustable nil :fill-pointer nil :initial-element 0d0 :displaced-to nil)
????? a2 (make-array (expt 10 7) :element-type 'double-float :adjustable nil :fill-pointer nil :initial-element 0d0 :displaced-to nil)
????? a3 nil)

(loop for i below (expt 10 7) do 
???? (setf (aref a1 i) (random 10d0)
??? ?? (aref a2 i) (random 10d0)))

(defun haz()
??? (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0) (space 0))??? ???? 
??? ???? (type (simple-array double-float) a1 a2))
? (let ((res 0d0))
??? (loop? for x double-float across a1
?????? for y
 double-float across a2? do
????????????????????????????????? res (the double-float (+ res (the double-float (* x y))))))))

--- El s?b, 5/5/12, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> escribi?:

De: Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>
Asunto: Re: Maxima Lapack is very slow: 7 seconds versus 0.002 seconds in Julia.
Para: "Manuel Pedrinero rossetil" <pdx7l1 at>
Fecha: s?bado, 5 de mayo, 2012 23:15

On 5/5/12 9:00 AM, Manuel Pedrinero rossetil wrote:
> Hello:
>? Thanks for the information about cffi, and for your work in matlisp.
>? There are some projects to improve the? port of? sbcl to windows. Since

I understand that ccl works very well on windows, so why wait for an
improved port of sbcl?

> gcl lacks ffi, sbcl seems a good candidate once the port is mature. 
> (good speed and cffi).
>???Perhaps the efforts in linear algebra of Rosseti, Tamas, Raymond,
> Liliam (gsl), Luis Oliveira. (cffi) and others could be ported to maxima
> or some interface via cffi between Julia and maxima could be very
> interesting.? There also some Lispers that use Lisp and R (for example
> C. Rhodes) .? Improving the numeric capabilities of maxima could appeal
> to more people and communities.

Let us not lose sight of what maxima is.? It is a computer algebra
system, not a numerical evaluation system.? There are many of those
