plotting modulus of complex function

On 2012-05-07, Bart Vandewoestyne <Bart.Vandewoestyne at> wrote:
> On 05/04/2012 05:25 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:

>> foo(s):=abs(Ge(s))$
>> for n thru 16 do print(bfloat(foo(1.0b0/10^n)))$

> Hmmm... interesting... so according to Robert, the limit for s->0 is
>    2.3b-4 (a constant)
> while Raymond Toy's conclusion in another reply appears to be approximately
>    (4.5e-23+%i*3.8e-24)/s  (1/s behavior)
> Note the dramatic difference between these two!  Which of these two is 
> closest to the real truth (close to 0, the Ge(s) behaves as a constant 
> OR as a 1/s singularity) is *exactly* what I'm interested in :-)

Bart, if you try the loop I suggested but work closer to 0 (by
increasing n to, say, 50) I think you will see it blow up. The value is
approximately constant for a while (maybe up to n = 20 or so) but then
it starts growing. Whether it's approximately 1/s or not, I didn't
investigate carefully.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier