plotting to psfile?

I just wanted to mention that many complicated features for plots
 (fonts, titles, labels, axes, etc.) can be put into a ".gnuplot"
 file (or in windows a "GNUPLOT.INI" file - I think?)

 For example, put the following lines in file ".gnuplot"

 set terminal postscript eps "VeraBd" 16
 set output "sinplot.eps"
 set title "Sine Plot"
 set x2label "Maxima Plot"
 set ylabel 'y values'
 set xlabel 'x values'
 set zeroaxis
 set xtics("-pi/2" -3.14156/2,"0" 0,"pi/2" 3.14159/2)

 Then run maxima and execute the simple plot2d command:

 This plot will save to the file, but will not show onscreen.

 A more complicated plot2d command (without the .gnuplot entries)
would implement three of the eight entries in the above ".gnuplot"

 plot2d(sin(x),[x,-%pi,%pi],[gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_preamble,
"set terminal postscript eps 'VeraBd' 16; set zeroaxis;"],
[gnuplot_out_file, "sinplot.eps"]);

 This plot will save to the file and also show onscreen.

L. Prevett