>>>>> "RF" == Richard Fateman <fateman at eecs.berkeley.edu> writes:
RF> actually it seems to work a lot worse for me than the examples shown.
RF> the option [psfile, "c:/temp/sin.eps"]
RF> causes a file maxout.gnuplot to appear in c:/temp. I then fire up a
RF> cygwin command shell and run gnuplot in it to produce sin.eps
RF> unfortunately, an eps file does not work with pdflatex, which I am using,
Try this then:
plot2d(sin(x),[x,-%pi,%pi],[gnuplot_term, "pdf enh font 'Asana Math'"],[gnuplot_out_file,"sin.pdf"]);
With your preferred font name.
More recent versions of gnuplot have abandoned the old pdf term (based
on libpdf) in favour of the pdfcairo term. pdf, though, will match
whichever of the two are installed.
Cf >help set term pdf< in gnuplot to see which pdf terminal your gnuplot
If your gnuplot has cairo support, the cairolatex terminal also may be
of interest. It can do both eps and pdf files and allows labels to be
set by TeX, if you prefer, via the xlabel, ylabel, zlabel and/or legend
options to plot2d and plot3d. Cf >help set term cairolatex< in gnuplot
for the syntax of the strings. (The cairolatex term doesn't seem to be
documented yet in gnuplot's texinfo manual, but the label syntax matches
that of the latex terminal, which is documented there.)
James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com> OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6