Representation of floats

On 5/17/12 3:16 AM, Volker van Nek wrote:
> For the record: With the recent debian version of Maxima on xubuntu12.04:
> Maxima 5.27.0
> using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.7 (a.k.a. GCL)
> (%i1) 0.2+0.2+0.2;
> (%o1)                                 0.6
> (%i2) if (0.2+0.2+0.2 = 0.6) then "yes" else "no";
> (%o2)                                 no

That would be an issue with gcl's float printer.  Maxima with cmucl
prints out .6000000000000001.  Clisp and ecl give this answer too.  Ccl
produces 0.6.
