how to handle empty expressions?

Any constant will do.  A string ("nothing") is fine, as is 0 or 1 or true
or false or 2.319e-34.  Nil is a Lisp concept; Maxima distinguishes the
empty list ([]) from logical false (false).  Internally, false is
represented as Lisp nil, but that shouldn't matter to users.


On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Oliver Kullmann
<O.Kullmann at>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a loop like
> for x in list unless (var : boolean expression) do "nothing";
> Is there a Maxima idiom for "nothing"? It seems to use "0" is a safe way.
> Is there a better way (like "nil")?
> Thanks
> Oliver
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