Problems with linsolve: quotient by polynomial of higher degree

On 5/26/2012 2:51 AM, Stefano Ferri wrote:
>  me think that there is something related to the search for solutions 
> for polynomials of degree > 5. 
Not if the system is linear.
> Therefore my question is:
> Q - Is it possible to use linsolve as a general linear equations 
> systems solvers,
If the system is indeed linear, it should work if the demands of memory 
and time do not prevent it from finishing.

> or is it suitable only for solving the simplest cases?
depends on the growth in the size of the symbolic coefficients.
> Or is this a bug (in pquotient & c)?

pquotient is apparently free of bugs. It appears that some subtle bug in 
the use of GCD is the cause.  If Maxima
computes  G=polynomialGCD(A,B),  then the degree of G must be less than 
the degrees of A or B.
But it isn't.

It may be that there is some conflict when terms with sqrt are 
simplified and some processing decreases
the degree of A  after the GCD.

Finding this bug would be nice, if indeed the system is linear etc.

In some cases a work-around is to use a different GCD algorithm, e.g. 
setting gcd:red


> I'v