the angle of a straight line drawn between 2 points

Why do this by components?  Maxima lets you calculate directly with the
complex quantities:

      GiveTurn(q,r) := mod( float( carg(b-a)/(2*%pi) ), 1)


On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Adam Majewski <adammaj1 at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need a function which computes the angle of a straight line drawn
> between 2 points.
> It should give result in turns ( from 0 to 1 ).
> I have made a function :
> GiveTurn
> and some tests for it.
> It gives expected results. Can I as for an opinion of experts ?
> Adam
> ==== code ==========================
> kill(all);
> /*
>  Determines the angle of a straight line drawn between point one and two.
>  The number returned, which is a double in degrees, tells us how much we
> have to rotate a horizontal line clockwise for it to match the line between
> the two points.
> http://codeforeverything.****
> between-two-points<>;
>     */
> GiveTurn(z3,z4):=(dx:realpart(**z4)-realpart(z3),
>    dy:imagpart(z4)-imagpart(z3),
>    b:atan2(dy,dx),
>    if (b<0) then b:b+2*%pi else b,
>    float(b/(2*%pi)));
> compile(all)$
> GiveTurn(0, 1+0*%i);
> GiveTurn(0, 1+1*%i);
> GiveTurn(0, 0+1*%i);
> GiveTurn(0,-1+1*%i);
> GiveTurn(0,-1+0*%i);
> GiveTurn(0,-1-1*%i);
> GiveTurn(0, 0-1*%i);
> GiveTurn(0, 1-1*%i);
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