On 2012-05-30, Sara Pashmineh <sarapashm at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
> Currently, 58713 pages are allocated.
> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
Well, this means that Maxima created so many expressions that it used up
all of the memory that was allocated by the Lisp runtime. I suspect it
is not too useful to try to expand the memory allocation -- probably if
you expand it, the new space will get used up too.
If I am not mistaken, GCL (which is the Lisp implementation used by the
version of Maxima you have) is more likely to run out of memory than
some other Lisp implementations. So my recommendation (no guarantees
here) is to try running Maxima with a different Lisp.
If you are using Windows -- you can try CCL or ECL. I think there are
slightly out of date packages with Windows installers for CCL or ECL or
maybe both. Aside from that, it is relatively straightforward to
recompile Maxima via the Lisp program ASDF. I can explain how to do that
if you are interested.
If you are on some form of Unix or you can get access to such a system
-- you can try CMUCL, SBCL, or Clisp. The rpm (Redhat) packages
available on the Sourceforge download page are built with Clisp, but
again, it is straightforward to recompile via ASDF.
By the way, can you post the program which you are running? Perhaps
someone else can try it on their own system to see what happens.
Robert Dodier