On May 29, 2012, David Billinghurst wrote
>I assume this is on windows. We (I) don't include the gcl docs in the
>maxima installer for windows. There is no particular reason. I will
>investigate, but promise nothing ;-)
Users new to lisp and maxima's lisp constructs,
and using the windows gcl version to play around
with both, might be faster learners with
gcl docs.
I use your windows binary:
(%i1) build_info();
Maxima version: "5.27.0"
Maxima build date: "2012-05-08 11:27:57"
Host type: "i686-pc-mingw32"
Lisp implementation type: "GNU Common Lisp (GCL)"
Lisp implementation version: "GCL 2.6.8"