Shouryya Ray's equation

On 05/31/2012 03:51 PM, Henry Baker wrote:
> I'm particularly intrigued by the appearance of _asinh_ in your derivation.
It appears in the calculation of the integral of sqrt(1+s^2).
Also, notice that integrate(1/sqrt(1+s^2),s)=asinh(s)
One could also obtain the result using log functions, since asinh(s) = 
> Asinh also appears in problems of constant absolute value accelerations -- e.g.,
> a rocket capable of a fixed amount of acceleration, no matter what direction it
> is pointed.  E.g., see:
> Carroza, Davide; Johnson, Stewart; Morgan, Frank.  "Baserunner's Optimal Path".  Math. Intelligencer 32, 1 (2010), 10-15.
Very interesting; thanks for the reference.
> Perhaps I could convince this teenager to find some closed-form solutions to this baseball problem!  Too bad it isn't about cricket!  :-)
Well, I've never tried cricket, but baseball is definitely one of my 
favorite sports.
