applying patches

Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:
>> furthermore git uses patches compatible with patch(1), thus one can
>> just cd to the directory with sources (not necessary git-cloned) and
>> do
>> $ patch -p1<  patch-file-to-apply
> Again, this is a retrograde approach to software development, assuming
> that the real way to make a "fix" is to change the source file, and
> re-make the whole world.

A serious question: Can you explain exactly what you mean by
"retrograde" here?

>>> Here is the kind of thing that would be useful.  You come up with
>>> a good idea that other people might want to try out without
>>> recompiling maxima etc etc.   Create a file that can be read in
>>> like this:
>>> ;;; file defining new feature  xxx
>>> ;;; written by<author>  <date>
>>> ;;; tested in Maxima<version>
>>> (in-package :maxima)
>>> ;;; redefine two functions in file simp.lisp
>> The problem with this approach is that unless the format is
>> standardized and the tools are written, it requires a human
>> intervention "to apply such a patch" -- tedious and error-prone.
> There are no tools necessary other than a text editor, to make this file.

And then how do you propose to integrate it with the other code in the
system when you decide to keep the change?

>> By the way, just file name is not enough, one also needs to mention
>> where to put the functions in each file when the patch is "applied".
> If someone wishes to make the changes to the source file, yes, one
> would have to
> search for
> (defun  xxx .....)
> or perhaps (defmfun xxx ...)
> delete the definition and insert the new one.

Don't forget that the brittleness of patches also serves another
purpose: if other bits of the file have changed, they might well have
changed how your defun/defmfun will behave, rendering it incorrect even
though your code didn't change at all. This is particularly problematic
if there are lots of dynamic variables floating around... like in

>>> I continue to object generally to patches and files whose authorship
>>> can be discerned only by examining the separate change logs, so any
>>> alterations to pre-existing functions should have comments
>>> identifying authors, too.
>> Why do manually what a program can do? Git has git-blame(1) if one
>> wants to know who to blame for each line.
> Why do I have to install git and become an expert in it?

"Oh no. In order to write a computer program, I'll have to learn to use
an editor, which is orthogonal to the important business of coding and
learning to use a programming language."

How is your standpoint different from this caricature?

> Also the description says that this will not help for lines that were
> deleted or replaced.  Knowing the author of a line also does not
> necessarily provide a comment as to why the new line is superior to
> the old.

Yep. That's what commit logs are for.

> I also sometimes print out programs to read / revise them, and take
> them away from a computer. It is nice to have the program text provide
> relevant comments, in my opinion.

Ok, well I guess we disagree here. For me, a file containing source code
is not required to be a detailed "biography" of the history of the

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