bug report

On 6/3/12 6:35 AM, Evgeniy Maevskiy wrote:
> r:integrate(sin(a*x^3)/x,x);
> =>
> -(%i*gamma_incomplete(0,%i*a*x^3)-%i*gamma_incomplete(0,-%i*a*x^3))/6
> What is gamma_incomplete(0,z) where z in C ?
> limit(r,x,inf);
> =>
> 0
> This is wrong.

Why is this wrong?  From http://functions.wolfram.com/,
we have the asymptotic series

gamma_incomplete(a,z) ~ exp(-z)*z^(a-1)*(1+O(1/z))

Then gamma_incomplete(0,%i*a*x^3) ~ exp(-%i*a*x^3)/(%i*a*x^3)

So |gamma_incomplete(0,%i*a*x^3)| ~ 1/a/x^3 -> 0 as x -> inf.  (For real a.)

Did I make a mistake here?
