On 6/9/12 9:27 AM, Richard Hennessy wrote:
> Hi:
> Along a similar line of reasoning. Could we make matrix multiplication
> in Maxima multi-threaded? This could produce a speed up of up to a
> factor of 8 on a i7 Intel processor. If the matrix is a matrix of
> functions then let the user worry about side effects of individual
> threads in multi-treading. That is not Maxima's problem, it is the
> users. I think as long as the user has the ability to turn off or turn
> on parallelization of code then there is no problem.
Umm, how big of a symbolic matrix are you trying to multiply? And if
it's that big where parallelizing it is worth doing, can you even
interpret the matrix in a meaningful way?
Numerical matrices are a different animal altogether, but maxima can't
parallelize that either in its current state since it's just using
(non-parallel) LAPACK, translated.