compile_file() error

Dmitry Shkirmanov <piminusmeson at> writes:
> Thanks for answer, i saved file as .mac file, but maxima gives the
> same error:

> <snip>

> ; compilation aborted because of fatal error:
> ;   SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR at 1343 (line 48, column 59) on #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM
> ;                                                                for "file /home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.LISP"
> ;                                                                {1005E73991}>:
> ;     illegal sharp macro character: #\
> ;
> ; compilation aborted after 0:00:00.007

Ok, there's definitely a bug here. A more minimal example is a .mac file
containing just:

f :(1/2)*exp(-(1/4)*(sqrt(k[1]^2+k[2]^2+k[3]^2)-m)^2 / (sigma)) / (Pi^(3/2));

Chopping the definition down further doesn't seem to trigger it any
more. I haven't time to debug this more completely now, but maybe this
hint will be useful for someone else.

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