maxima is 100 times slower than maple

On 6/16/2012 6:08 PM, Dennis Darland wrote:
> I've been working on numerical solution of differential equations. My (Ruby) program generates either Maple or Maxima. Maple generally is much faster. ( ) I just added pre-computing factorials. On a simple problem these were the results
> Language      Before           After
> Maple         1 min 40 sec     29 sec
> Maxima        40min 33 sec     31 min 58 sec
> Dennis J. Darland
1. Computing numerical solutions of differential equations  (presumably 
using floating-point arithmetic)
might be made substantially more efficient by adding declarations and 
compiling functions.

2. If pre-computing factorials reducing the time by 70% in maple and 20% 
in maxima suggests
that you are doing something out of the ordinary.

If you can post your code, that might help people explain how you might 
make maxima faster.