On 06/23/2012 04:09 PM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> On 6/23/2012 9:55 AM, Barton Willis wrote:
>> Surely the bug is related to the fact that the last call to resultant
>> returns 256*(sqrt(7)^2-7) instead of 0.
> Ah, yes that would account for it.
> I just try typing
> resultant(8*y^2+sqrt(7)-4,8*y^2-8*y-sqrt(7)-2,y);
> and got 0.
> However,
> resultant(rat(8*y^2+sqrt(7)-4),rat(8*y^2-8*y-sqrt(7)-2),y);
> returns 256*(sqrt(7)^2-7).
> So the result in CRE ("rat") form is simplified according to its lights.
> Here's a fix:
> :lisp (setf (symbol-function 'oldres)(symbol-function '$resultant))
> :lisp (defun $resultant(a b c)($ratsimp(oldres a b c)))
> now solve works.
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Hmm... Am I applying the fix incorrectly? The redefinition of resultant
fixes the test case, given above, but solve() still doesn't work for me.:
(%i1) resultant(rat(8*y^2+sqrt(7)-4),rat(8*y^2-8*y-sqrt(7)-2),y);
(%o1)/R/ 256 (sqrt(7) - 7)
(%i2) :lisp (setf (symbol-function 'oldres)(symbol-function '$resultant))
#<compiled-function $RESULTANT>
(%i2) :lisp (defun $resultant(a b c)($ratsimp(oldres a b c)))
(%i2) resultant(rat(8*y^2+sqrt(7)-4),rat(8*y^2-8*y-sqrt(7)-2),y);
(%o2) 0
(%i3) e1: x^2 + y^2 = 1;
2 2
(%o3) y + x = 1
(%i4) e2: (x-0.5)^2+(y-0.5)^2 = 1;
2 2
(%o4) (y - 0.5) + (x - 0.5) = 1
(%i5) solve( [e1,e2], [x,y] );
rat: replaced -0.5 by -1/2 = -0.5
rat: replaced -0.5 by -1/2 = -0.5
(%o5) []