On 2012-06-27, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:
> The substitution takes a lengthy path involving the functions
> no-err-sub, subin, maxima-substitute, and subst1.
Thanks for the hint. I've attached a patch which replaces the call to
MAXIMA-SUBSTITUTE with a call to $AT, which handles 'diff, 'integrate,
and 'sum specially, and otherwise acts like a general substitution
function. With that in place, I get the following:
(%i3) integrate (diff (f (x), x), x, a - b, a + b);
(%o3) f(b+a)-f(a-b)
(%i4) integrate (diff (f (x), x, 2), x, a - b, a + b);
(%o4) ?%at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = b+a)-?%at('diff(f(x),x,1),x = a-b)
(%i5) integrate ('diff (f (t) * diff (g (t), t), t), t, 0, 1);
(%o5) f(1)*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = 1))-f(0)*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = 0))
(%i7) assume (alpha > 0);
(%o7) [alpha > 0]
(%i8) integrate ('diff (f (t) * diff (g (t), t), t), t, 0, sqrt (alpha));
(%o8) f(sqrt(alpha))*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = sqrt(alpha)))
-f(0)*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = 0))
(%i9) assume (beta > 0);
(%o9) [beta > 0]
(%i10) integrate ('diff (f (t) * diff (g (t), t), t), t, sqrt (beta), sqrt (alpha));
(%o10) f(sqrt(alpha))*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = sqrt(alpha)))
-f(sqrt(beta))*(?%at('diff(g(t),t,1),t = sqrt(beta)))
Here is the last result, pretty-printed:
(%i11) display2d : true;
(%o11) true
(%i12) %o10;
d !
(%o12) f(sqrt(alpha)) (-- (g(t))! )
dt !
!t = sqrt(alpha)
d !
- f(sqrt(beta)) (-- (g(t))!
dt !
!t = sqrt(beta)
The only change in the test suite is this:
Running tests in rtest16:
********************** Problem 260 ***************
limit(integrate(f(t), t, 0, x), x, 0, plus)
This differed from the expected result:
limit integrate(f(t), t, 0, x)
x -> 0+
> There is a special *atp* that might control the application of at.
> But setting *atp* to true yields, for example:
> (%i12) integrate(diff(f(x),x,2),x,a+b,a-b);
> (%o12) 0
Well, I think *ATP* prevents MAXIMA-SUBSTITUTE from substituting into
'diff, so that defint's attempt to compute antideriv(a - b) - antideriv(a + b)
yields 0. I wonder if *ATP* has other unexpected effects ....
> either "at" is trying to be super careful, or it's missing some
> simplifications:
> (%i15) at(diff(f(t),t),x=9);
> (%o15) at('diff(f(t),t,1),x=9)
Hmm, I suppose f might use x as a global variable ....
Robert Dodier
$ git diff src/limit.lisp
diff --git a/src/limit.lisp b/src/limit.lisp
index f5bf22f..a9ec491 100644
--- a/src/limit.lisp
+++ b/src/limit.lisp
@@ -948,12 +948,16 @@ It appears in LIMIT and DEFINT.......")
(setq ans (catch 'errorsw
(catch 'raterr
- (sratsimp (subin v e)))))
+ (sratsimp (subin-via-$at v e)))))
(maxima-$error ()
(setq ans nil)))
(cond ((null ans) t) ; Ratfun package returns NIL for failure.
(t ans))))
+(defun subin-via-$at (v e)
+ (cond ((not (among var e)) e)
+ (t ($at e `((mequal) ,var ,v)))))
;; substitute value v for var into expression e.
;; if result is defined and e is continuous, we have the limit.
(defun simplimsubst (v e)