dynamically created symbol

While there are possible uses for contexts, are you sure you really need 
Or are you using contexts instead of simple bindings of variables?

You can do this:

foo[i]:= concat(foo,i);

apply(supcontext, [foo[3]])


On 6/28/2012 12:41 PM, J?rome Laurens wrote:
> Le 28 juin 2012 ? 16:46, Robert Dodier a ?crit :
>> On 2012-06-28, J?rome Laurens <jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr> wrote:
>>> Given a counter that takes integer values 1 or 2...,
>>> how can I create symbol named foo1 or foo2, ...
>>> based on the value of the counter
>>> foo[1], foo[2] is forbidden
>> Usually the "better way" to do that is to use subscripted variables.
>> So, why is foo[k] forbidden?
> supcontext only accepts symbols and complains when fed with a subscripted variable
> Jerome
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