dynamically created symbol

On 2012-07-03, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:

> Compare:
>  with_local_context(a : 1, b : 2, ratfac : true, integrate(1/x,x,a,b)
>  with_local_context([[a : 1, b : 2, ratfac : true]], integrate(1/x,x,a,b));
>  with_local_context([a : 1, b : 2, ratfac : true], integrate(1/x,x,a,b));

Well, the difference of these is just the difference between block(a:1,
...), block([[a:1]], ...), and block([a:1], ...). 

> Maybe there is a call for a newcontext version?

Yes, that makes sense. What to name it? with_new_context? and rename the
other one to with_super_context? (Since both are "local" contexts.)


Robert Dodier