I am looking for a way to graph a collection rectangles (using draw2d) with colors specified by an array of numerical values. According to the documentation I found, I can specify a color as a hexadecimal string in the form "#rrggbb." Assuming that I have the rgb intensities as integers (or floats, if that is easier), is there a way of turning these into hexadecimal numbers? Or better yet, is there a way to take a triple of intensities and produce the corresponding #rrggbb string?
Many thanks in advance!
Dr. Jorge Alberto Calvo
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Ave Maria University
Phone: (239) 280-1608
Email: jorge.calvo at avemaria.edu<mailto:jorge.calvo at avemaria.edu>
Web: http://sites.google.com/site/jorgealbertocalvo