how to get floating point results for taylor expansion?

This sounds like a Visual C++ problem.  Since you haven't told us what
exactly you're passing to VC++ (and frankly I am not a VC++ expert), it is
unclear what the problem is.  Perhaps VC++ has difficulty with the *integer*
 literal 398987622351463743906497032561 (which is understandable)?

The good news is that Maxima can easily help you work around VC++'s problem.


tt: taylor(rest1, [t, v, c], [0, 0, 0], 8)$
tt0: subst(omega=2*%pi*10^6,tt)$


or perhaps better



On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 9:08 PM, Peter Foelsche <foelsche at>wrote:

> I've read quite a lot of the manual and experimented with a lot of options.
> But I'm unable to get normal floating point numbers or even numbers,
> which I can evaluate in visual C++ -- it tells me:
> 398987622351463743906497032561.0/768.0,e
> Error: constant too big
> Here is my maxima input:
> display2d:false$
> debugmode:true$
> rest1:(sin(omega*t)-v)^2 + (v - c)^2$
> ev(taylor(rest1, [t, v, c], [0, 0, 0], 8), omega=2*3.1415926*1e6);
> Kind Regards
> Peter Foelsche
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