J?rome Laurens <jerome.laurens <at> u-bourgogne.fr> writes:
> entering both x+y and y+x always give y+x as output
> How can I have x+y instead ?
> It seems that maxima is de facto using a reverse alphabetical ordering so
> I tried to use reverse to no avail.
The arguments of all commutative operators and functions are put in a
canonical ordering by Maxima's expression simplifier.
For most commutative operators, the arguments are displayed in their
canonical ordering. For "+", the display order is controlled by the
global flag powerdisp. When powerdisp = true, the arguments of "+" are
displayed in their canonical ordering. When false (default), they are
displayed in the reverse order.
powerdisp only controls display; the internal order of the arguments is
always the same.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier