Michele Minelli <micheleminelli1 at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi everyone,
> First of all I am italian so sorry for my English...
> Anyway, my problem is quite simple (I think) but I'm getting mad on it!
> I have to solve a quite simple equation where the unknown value is the
> second bound of the integral.
> I wrote this:
> solve(0.1=integrate(1/(2.9*(3.3-u)-(3.3-u)^2/2), u, 2.26, x), x);
> and this is the result:
> (%o38)
> [log(2*x+5)=(565040900*log(10*x-33)+565040900*log(-1)-1775128338*%i+113906055)/565040900]
> I answered positive because I know that the result should be 2.48 but
> in the end it comes out with imaginary values...
> I also tried to set logabs to true and solveradcan to true but nothing
> good happened.
> How can I solve that equation?
> Thank you very much.
Here's a quick attempt. First note that for symbolic calculations like
integration etc., Maxima automatically rationalizes its arguments. Since
the numbers then come out horrible, let's do it by hand:
(%i1) integrand: 1/(29/10*(33/10-u)-(33/10-u)^2/2);
(%o1) -----------------------
33 33 2
29 (-- - u) (-- - u)
10 10
----------- - ---------
10 2
That looks a little ugly: maybe we can simplify it.
(%i2) factor(%);
(%o2) - ---------------------
(2 u + 5) (10 u - 33)
Ah, great. Notice that your integrand has first-order poles at u = 3.3
and u = 2.5 so we'd better assume that x is less than them. Integrating:
(%i3) integrate (%, u, 226/100, x);
Is 50 x - 113 positive, negative, or zero?
Is 10 x - -- positive, negative, or zero?
Principal Value
52 238
log(--) log(---)
log(abs(10 x - 33)) log(2 x + 5) 5 25
(%o3) - 40 (------------------- - ------------ - ------- + --------)
116 116 116 116
Solving something with log(abs(f(x))) inside is going to be a bit nasty,
but the other side of the equation is just a number, so let's apply
exp() to everything:
(%i4) exp(%) = exp(1/10);
log(abs(10 x - 33)) log(2 x + 5) log(52/5) log(238/25)
- 40 (------------------- - ------------ - --------- + -----------)
116 116 116 116
(%o4) %e =
Hmm, that's not much cleaner, but radcan will probably help:
(%i5) radcan(%);
10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29
2 5 13 (2 x + 5) 1/10
(%o5) ------------------------------------ = %e
10/29 10/29 10/29
7 17 (10 x - 33)
This is looking good! Notice that the powers on the two terms with x are
the same. Let's make a solver's life slightly simpler by raising to the
power 29/10. Notice that 10*x - 33 is negative, which radcan (by
design!) ignored. As such, we'll have to make sure that the next
expression has an abs() around it.
(%i9) %o5 ^ (29/10);
130 abs(2 x + 5) 29/100
(%o9) ------------------ = %e
119 abs(10 x - 33)
Right, good, that happened automatically. Now you can either use
to_poly_solve() (which will successfully do this, I think), or keep
going by hand. Since you know x lies in the interval [2.26, 2.5), you
actually know the signs of the expressions inside the abs()
functions. Maxima can keep track of this for you though:
(%i10) assume (x > 226/100);
(%o10) [x > ---]
(%i11) assume (x < 25/10);
(%o11) [x < -]
<snip a mistake>
(%i13) %o5 ^ (29/10);
130 (2 x + 5) 29/100
(%o13) --------------- = %e
119 (33 - 10 x)
This looks promising!
(%i14) solve(%, x);
3927 %e - 650
(%o14) [x = -------------------]
1190 %e + 260
(%i15) float(%);
(%o15) [x = 2.485018482603471]
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