Test regression in rtest_trig with cmucl

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:

>  The intent of
>     (setq l ($expand l))
>     (cons l l))
> is to properly return (cons 0 0) or (cons 0.0 0.0), or ... Since 0 * 0.0
> --> 0,
An alternative:  Change the test to call rectform.  Not a great solution,
but I think it's good enough for now.

Perhaps it would also be beneficial if we could modify the simplifier so
that if $numer or $float is true, we automatically simplify (x+%i*y)^(-1)
to its equivalent rectform when x or y are floats.  Then expand would
probably work. the way you want.

(I"ve always been annoyed that float((a+b*%i)/(c+d*%i)) always returned the
same form when a,b,c,d were floats instead of the expected quotient.)
