SF hosted apps retirement, was: Examples section on wiki

Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> writes:
> I think that collecting worked examples in wiki pages or
> something like that is a great idea, however, recent SourceForge
> announced that they are retiring some features. For the most part,
> Maxima is not using the to-be-retired features, but Maxima does
> have two such features enabled, namely phpBB and MediaWiki.
> More about the retirement process here:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/community-docs/Hosted%20Apps%20Retirement/
> I guess we will have to dump any data we now have in phpBB
> and MediaWiki and migrate it somewhere else. I gather that
> SF has another kind of wiki which projects can use but I didn't
> look into the details.

Hasn't it already moved?

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