On Ruby program to generate maxima or maple code to solve differential eq's

On 2012-07-22, Dennis Darland <dennis.darland at yahoo.com> wrote:

> One of Bertrand Russell's favorite quotations from the Bible had to do
> with not following a multitude to do evil.

Not to split hairs or anything, but I seem to recall that Russell was
reporting James Mill's advice to his son (John Stuart Mill). Was that in
Russell's essay on the difference between Catholic and Protestant
atheists? I seem to recall Russell gave JS Mill as an example of
a typically Protestant atheist -- earnest, moral, and inclined to invent
his own philosophy. On the other hand, the Catholic church's claim to be
the be-all and end-all of religion causes those who reject it to reject
all moral systems; Catholic atheists, he says, are more often cynical
and detached. He gives Voltaire as a typical example.

I'll leave it to others to verify the accuracy of Russell's assessment.

Philosophically yours,

Robert Dodier