Caching working data

Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:
> On 2012-07-26, Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at> wrote:
>> One option would be to stick it in SG itself, in the CAR say, so it
>> doesn't get printed.
> I don't think there's any guarantee that car flags are preserved, so I
> don't recommend that. Also you can't really work with car flags in
> Maxima.
>> If I can't depend on this behaviour, another option would be storing
>> some dictionary keyed by generator and relation lists with EQUALP.
> My advice is to attach the cache to the operator.  Then the code which
> fetches or creates cache values can inspect the operator of an input
> expression to find the cache. How about the following. (Code for
> make_hash is shown in the PS.)

Cool, thanks for the help. Since I'm writing this in lisp, I'll probably
go via a defvar with a hash table in it, but it's basically the scheme
you propose. I won't worry about the memory leaky bit for now.

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