load("simp.lisp") ---> errors

On 2012-08-04, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> wrote:

> Neat.  Looks like an error in the mapc at line 167.  Change "simperf" to
> "simp-erf".

Cutting out the superfluous simplification property for %ERF seems to
fix the problem. I've pushed that change.

>  Don't know why the mapc is there, though.  Maybe the lambda
> form should check to see if the 'operators property is already set and
> do nothing?  Didn't investigate that, though.

I think the code should put the simplification property in the same
place as the function definition. That would help avoid the problem
which we ran into here (function changed, property assigned at location
of new function, previous, now-incorrect property not updated).

The properties assigned in the MAPC are now correct, although some might
be superfluous, and some should be moved out of src/simp.lisp.


Robert Dodier