Why I am trying what I am trying in my ode program

Here is a link to a scan scan (the best I could do) of the first two pages of Corliss and Rall's paper "An Introduction to Automatic Differentiation" in _Computational Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools_
(siam, 1996). It provides support to why I am trying to do what I am trying in my ode program.


That book is one of 4 books consisting of papers from conferences on the subject. I've read all the papers by Rall and/or Corliss. There is much more but I am a slow reader an much of it seems specialized in areas different from what I am trying.

Also I have added all the blocks needed for all my local variables in my program. For now, at least, I am not going to compile my maxima code - that would preclude using big floats.

I will write a small test program to compare performance of compiled maxima, interpreted maxima, maple, and c++. Mostly just to see what benefit there might be to compiling maxima.

I will try to order the recommended papers at the public library through inter-library loan.

I ordered the three volumes of Henrici (used).

Dennis J. Darland
dennis.darland at yahoo.com
?Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.?
  Albert Einstein

--- On Fri, 8/10/12, Richard Fateman <fateman at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> From: Richard Fateman <fateman at eecs.berkeley.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] Why I am trying what I am trying in my ode program
> To: "Dennis Darland" <dennis.darland at yahoo.com>
> Cc: "math maxima" <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
> Date: Friday, August 10, 2012, 12:40 PM
> On 8/10/2012 10:09 AM, Dennis Darland
> wrote:
> > My only comment is that I am not, as I have said at
> least twice before, trying to translate a FORTRAN program.
> (or translate any program) I looked at code generated by
> Chang's program (not the program itself mind you) once in
> the last year. I was having trouble with his equation for
> arccos (found in the appendix to his draft of his book), All
> I learned was that arccos was not implemented in his
> program. (I did locate a typo in my code a little later.) I
> know I could get this ACM article by signing up for a
> service with ACM (about $100/year I think). I seriously
> doubt I could find the other articles locally. Probably
> closest is Iowa City - about 60 miles, but I have not driven
> that far in about 15 years, and have no intent to now.
> If you have a copy of the paper by Corliss etc, you can find
> details in their bibliography.
> The book is Applied and Computational Applied Analysis?
> (3 vols!)
> There are probably people who have subscriptions to the ACM
> digital library closer than Iowa City,
> or people on the internet who can access items for you and
> email them.
> It is sometimes said that a week of programming can save you
> 30 minutes in a library.
> I think that understanding the fundamentals will suggest
> that
> (a) some, perhaps most, of Chang's generated programs are
> necessary if
> the programs are run on top of C, C++, FORTRAN, but are not
> necessary
> if the programs are run in a computer algebra system.
> (b) instead of simulating Chang's "generation of taylor
> series in FORTRAN"
> you should just use the natural tools in a CAS to generate
> the taylor series.