Subject: struggling with minor issue on porting of maxima
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 09:05:04 -0700
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 7:50 AM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at>wrote:
> most everything seems to work in Allegro common lisp 9.0, not including
> graphical front end
> or plotting (neither of which I have even tried);
> except in the old-fashioned read-eval-print loop, the
> (maxima::continue) program does not catch errors like macsyma-quit or
> to-maxima-repl.
> Now maybe no one is still using the relevant code in suprv1 or init-cl or
> macsys,
> but if someone has a thought about why there are not any relevant
> "catches" for
> these throws, I'd welcome suggestions.
> Typing something like 0/0; gives a bunch of messages describing the
> error and then Attempt to throw to the non-existent tag macsyma-quit...
> Thnx
> PS. Why no plot or front-end? I'm trying to keep the build process
> ENTIRELY in Lisp.
I vaguely remember using the free allegro to compile maxima (via make?) a
long time ago. I think that worked, if you left off the slatec routines.
init-cl is still used because cl-user::run starts the maxima repl and
catches macsyma-quit.
If you're using the maxima.asd file, perhaps there's a bug. You could try
loading lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp and run (mk:oos "maxima" :compile). This
is what make uses to compile maxima.